Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fun With Kaelyn

Hayley has a lot of best friends. They seem to come and go and come back again. It is so fun to have so many babies her age around and I really feel blessed to have a great group of mom's too. Lately her best friend has been Kaelyn. Her mom is Sherri and we met at a sketchy hippie music group that I never went to again, but got a great friend out of it, so totally worth it. Anyway, these girls are like sisters. Sherri and I laugh almost daily at their similarities, from the rashes they get on their faces to the way they talk and walk to their development. Funniest (and cutest of all) is that they totally fight like sisters. They constantly ask for each other, then get together and push and steal toys (mostly Hayley, she's the mean one). Then they love each other and play together and share and hug like, 30 minutes later. It is so cute, and we just laugh about it.

The other day they came over for a play date and we snapped a couple cute pictures of them. The one of them on the front steps is my all time favorite! I just love this picture. It totally encapsulates their personalities!

Sherri is also having another baby due on the 11th, a boy. So our boys are going to be 3 months apart, too! Which we are totally psyched about!

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