Monday, September 29, 2008

Cute Hayley Pics today

My mom and I got a huge kick out of Hayley yesterday. She was holding her ladybug like a purse! It was just so cute!

Hayley just chillin' on the bed, watching TV. I thought this was hysterical. She's so little on that big bed!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

One More of Hayley

I love this picture of Hayley! She is so alert and awake now!

A Visit from NC

Like Dave said, Jacob, Asha, and Nora came to visit for the weekend last weekend. We had such a great time with them and it was certainly too short of a trip. I can't believe the last time we saw them was our wedding, so we have to be sure it is not another year before we see each other again. Nora is so big - she's a girl now, not a baby. She looks so different just from our wedding pictures.

Three years ago the week Hayley was born, our entire family was at Middlesex Hospital for a different reason. It was when Jacob was sick. The day before he got sick we went for a hike in Devil's Hopyard as a family. Since Hayley's birth has brought us new happy memories of that week, we also took a family hike in the Hopyard. Here are some pictures of our hike.

This is actually at the big house. Jacob caught all the girls in the loft. It is so weird that 20 years ago, that was me and my friends - including Antina! Now it's my neices, including Antina's daughter!
This is all of Mom and Pops' grandkids together. Celia, 11, Maggie, 10, Nova, 10, Nora, 3, Colin, 10 months, and Hayley, 2 months.

Back to the Hopyard - Dave, Hayley and I. (Sorry for the out of order. Someday I'll figure this blog out)
The sibs. JR, Jacob, Me, and Antina.
It was such a great weekend. I am so happy they came up.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hayley's 2 Month Checkup

Well, Hayley had her two month checkup yesterday and we are pleased to say that everything went very well. She is now up to 13 lbs 10 oz and just over 24 inches in length. She is in the 95th percentile of children her age. Which means she is well above the average weight and height for a two month old. Her pediatrician said she actually has the measurments of a four month old. She also received three immunization shots which she took like a champ. It was definitely worse for mommy than it was for Hayley. She cried a little bit (Hayley that is, not Carolyn), but calmed down once we picked her up.

Overall, Hayley is doing great. She has a mild form of torticollis which is when the head tilts to one side more than the other. Hayley always has her head tilted to her left. We have been doing stretching excercises to help her neck muscles develop. The pediatrician was not too concerned with it and suggested we continue with the stretching excercises and always put her down so she has to look to her right when we play with her. It definitely seems to be getting better.

Uncle Jacob, Auntie Asha and Nora came up from NC this weekend and we had a great time visiting with them. On Sunday we went to Lyman Orchards where we picked our own apples right from the trees and got lost in the giant Corn Maze. It was so much fun. I think Gramma Lorraine is going to be busy making apple pies for a while.

Well, that is all for now. We will get some more pictures posted soon. Take care.


Monday, September 15, 2008

New Pictures this week

I've been getting lots of emails looking for new pics of Hayley, here are my favorites this week!

Trying out her Bumbo chair!
Hayley having a bath in Grandma's sink at the Big House!

Showing off Daddy's brand proudly!

Hope you enjoy these pics! Hayley has her 2 month appointment next Tuesday and she has to get shots! I think I'm more nervous about it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daddy's Thoughts

I thought it was my turn to share my thoughts on our life with Hayley:

First to my beautiful wife Carolyn: I know I probably don't say this enough, but you are an incredible mother. I love watching you and Hayley together and can't wait to see your relationship grow through the years. You make this look so easy, whether you realize it or not. I enjoy the time we spend together as a family so much. It is hard to have to go to work and miss all the little moments that we share wih Hayley throughout the day. I try my hardest to help you as much as I can and I thank you for your effort to make sure I have quality "daddy" time with Hayley as much as possible. I love you very much!!

To our families: We can't tell you enough how much we love all of you and appreciate all of your help. Thank you to Gramma Lorraine and Grampa Peter for always being there for us. Thank you Debbie, Keith and Brett for all of the toys and furniture that you have given us. We have really enjoyed having so many of you come and visit with us and share this wonderful experience. Jacob and Asha, we can't wait to see you next week.

To all of our friends: Thank you so much for your support. I know I can speak for Carolyn when I say we really appreciate the cards, flowers, gifts, food (great lasagna Erin), phone calls and love you have given our family. We are very glad that Hayley has so many surrogate aunts and uncles.

Finally, to my beautful daugther Hayley: I can't even begin to describe the love mommy and I feel for you. Before you were born everyone told me that having a baby would be a life changing event. Boy was that an understatement. You are such a blessing. You are so cute I just want to kiss your cheeks all day. I love you so much. You probably don't know this, but I sit and watch you when you sleep. You make funny noises and funny faces as you toss and turn. It is so cute I just can't stop watching you (sometimes I even wake you up early just so I can play with you). I love bath time, watching you with your Baby Einstein and our "quiet" time at 7am when mommy goes back to sleep. I even enjoy changing you when you have a poopy diaper (and that's not something I thought I would ever say). Mommy and I say every day how lucky we are to have you in our lives.

I can't believe that Hayley will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. She is growing up so fast as you can tell by the pictures. This experience has been unbelievable. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful, happy, healthy baby. Carolyn does a great job of updating our blog with new information as things happen. Thank you for reading along and sharing this experience with us.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Here are a couple new pictures of Hayley this week. She turned 7 weeks yesterday! So big!
Hayley with her friend Miles. They love each other already.
Hayley kinda looks like a gangsta' in her sneaks. Thanks Auntie Chelsea for the sneakers! (OK, so they're a little big - but I had to try them on!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Big Move

Well, last night was a big night. Now that Hayley has turned 6 weeks, we really wanted to try to get her into a good sleeping schedule. At least at night for starters. She has been going to bed between 8 and 9 and waking up between 11 and 12 every night. Then waking up at 2 a.m., then again between 5 and 6. This has pretty much been the pattern. Well, the 2 a.m. wake up has been the one that is killing me. She doesn't want to go back to sleep, and usually by 3:30 I'm on the brink and ready to lose it and lately have been having to wake up Dave to handle getting her back down. So my desire is to drop the 12:00 feeding and get her to only was at 2ish and this would stop happening. I spoke to my neighbor Sarah and she assures me that this will soon happen, so we decided to help it along, and to help us, we would do the big move. We moved her from the bassinet to the crib. I honestly think it was harder for me then for her. She fell asleep at about 8:30 and woke up at 1. I fed her and she went right back down. Then woke up again at 5:00. Well, I'm not sure if it was the big move that worked or if it was just coincidence, but we'll see tonight what happens. In the end, we all got much better of a night's sleep and I'm glad to have made the move. It just seemed to work. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on this possible coincidence/change.

Also, I had my breastfeeding group yesterday. Last week, I gave Cara my email and phone number and she invited me to join her little group of new moms. We all got together after our support group and I got to meet a bunch of new moms and new babies. Hayley is the only girl and the oldest of all, but only by a couple of days. I guess she's got her pick of the litter when it comes to boyfriends now. Between Sam across the street, Ty and Cooper (Dave's godsons), and now Greyson, Dylan, Miles, and Cole, Hayley is the only girl around. She's gonna be fighting them off with a stick! If she were a teenager I think Dave would flip out. But for now it's so fun, so we'll enjoy it.

I also weighed Hayley and she's up to 11 lbs 13 oz and in 3 month clothes. When I get the time I'll have to make the dresser transition and pack up all that newborn and 0-3 month stuff already. So sad! She only got to wear some outfits once! Oh well, I guess that happens. Now on to the cute 3 month outfits!

I also was feeling very crowded in the living room with so much baby stuff everywhere. Since the basement is pretty much finished, just empty because we were yet to buy furniture, I pushed to have the huge TV moved downstairs to make more room upstairs. After telling Dave that there was no way he would be sitting in this tiny living room all day to watch his football on Sunday, I think I convinced him it was a good idea. After hours of work and troubleshooting, he and Pops finally got it working downstairs. So perfect! We now have a TV in the basement and nothing to sit on to watch it. So, on Monday we went to Raymour and Flanigan and got us a new sofa. So exciting! It will be here on Friday and I can't wait. After all, it makes more sense to put the TV down there. If we did get a new TV like we had planned - it makes more sense to put it upstairs then down in the basement anyway. Like Dawn says, basements are for hand-me-down furniture and old TV's. The hand-me-down furniture would never fly with Dave, but at least we got the TV down there now. (Don't get me wrong, I like the new stuff too!!) It's all very exciting to have it finished, too. I really love it. I also am enjoying the quiet and peace upstairs - for now. We'll see how long that lasts until I go insane.