Friday, September 5, 2008

Here are a couple new pictures of Hayley this week. She turned 7 weeks yesterday! So big!
Hayley with her friend Miles. They love each other already.
Hayley kinda looks like a gangsta' in her sneaks. Thanks Auntie Chelsea for the sneakers! (OK, so they're a little big - but I had to try them on!)


Anonymous said...

Those sneakers, too much. I am roaring over here with laughter. WOW, Hayley looks pretty happy next to miles. We better keep our eye on him.
Love gramma

Erin Longin said...

Hey - where are the Puma's??

Love, Aunt Erin

cara said...

Miles misses Hayley! He cries everyday (that might have something to do wiith him being hungry, but I am pretty sure that it has more to do with the fact that he hasn't seen her in a few days)