Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Early Potty Training

Last night Hayley was exhausted. We decided to do a quick tub then bed. After dinner I remembered that she hadn't pooped all day so I gave her some prune juice. Happily she went into the tub, like usual, and was playing and splashing around when all of a sudden she got red faced and started pushing. I looked down and saw the bubbles coming up from her tooshie. I knew what was coming...There was no stopping it! As quickly as possible I swooped her up and stuck her on the toilet. Hayley has officially had her first poopy on the potty.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marco 09 - We're back!

We are back from Marco and what an amazing trip it was! Only 52 weeks to go until we return! We had such a great time and it went by way too fast as well. We have a million pictures, and I haven't had time to sort through them all, so here is just one for you for now. We also took lots of video - which will be posted eventually, I hope.

The weather was perfect and Hayley really seemed to love the warmth. After a long travel across the state on Friday (complaint letter to Hertz on it's way), we finally got the groceries in, the bags unpacked, and settled in for the evening. We packed all 16 people into our condo for dinner (actually 15, Mike arrived on Saturday night, also, Nicole was the only May missing - away at college.) We went to put Hayley down and this was a true test of how sensitive she would be to the noise. She slept through 8 noisy adults, two 6 year olds, two 4 year olds, and one 3 year old. Yep, I think she could sleep through a hurricane, now. Unfortunately, she was up at 2 every night the entire week which we have discovered is due to hunger because my milk supply is down to drops, which is an entirely different post that I will save for another day. Anyway, Saturday was our first day at the beach and the weather was perfect, as usual on Marco Island, and we settled in for another perfect week. Which it really was.

More stories to come, but the highlights for me would be Hayley eating sand, of course, her first taste of a lemon (hilarious), watching her kick around in the pool, and my first (and sure to not be last) Tripoly win, beating Dave by ONE chip!!!. As reigning champion for the next year, I plan to bask in my glory as long as possible!

More stories to come, but overall, it was great to see all of Dave's family and hope it won't be a whole year before we see each other again. It was sad to realize I hadn't seen the Mike May family since our wedding, a year and a half ago. Hopefully it won't be that long again.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Airplane Adventure

Well, Day one of vacation has come and gone, and no guarantees that I will make another post all week, but we are at Mike and Vivi's and Hayley is asleep (yeah!) and Dave is in the shower. Greg is watching TV, Brit and the girls are sleeping, and Vivi is MIA. She disappeared around 7:30 this morning and we haven't seen or heard from her since! Hopefully she'll appear soon, but in the meantime...

Yesterday was Hayley's first plane ride. Sarah drove us to the airport, so kind. I sat in the way back between Michael and Matty's 2 car seats and prayed my carsickness didn't go past the stage of nausea for the hour and fifteen minute drive. When we got to the airport, we went to check and and we were both wearing long sleeves. It was roasting in the airport. I mean, unbelievably hot. Normally airports and airplanes are cold, but just our luck, not today. We got our boarding passes and weighed our luggage - each one weighing 49.5 pounds! Talk about cutting it so close. Thanks to Dave's thrifty-ness at home moving things and such to get it just right. We'll see what happens for the ride home! EEK! We bought this really nice car seat bag to protect it at gate check, and of course left it on the dining room table, so the nice Jet Blue lady gave us a big garbage bag to put it in. So nice!

Getting through security takes a completely new paragraph. We had so much stuff, liquids, etc...So we had to put it all through the scanner, then they had to swipe the liquids and baby food jars, (oh! - Vivi has just appeared!) with this strange pad thing and then put the pad through a machine and said, it's good, then off we went. It was actually hilarious - not to mention it was unbelievably HOT! I needed to warm up Hayley's bottle, and White Plains is a tiny airport with no restaurant, so I had to exit security to get hot water, then go back through with the hot water, after getting their approval and another liquid test to warm it up. Ugh! Then of course, the jammies I brought with us we the warmest ones we own, assuming it would be cool, so we ended up putting her in a onesie, the poor thing was so hot! We preboarded, which was nice, but then of course, it was roasting on the plane, and Hayley was so tired! But she wanted to look at everything and she is into this blood curdling squeal right now, so that was so fun! It took about a half hour to settle her, then she started nursing and finally fell asleep in my arms. We got very lucky and there was an empty aisle seat in front of us, so the guy who was sitting in our row got moved and we had the whole row - so nice. The trip was peaceful, though very hot, for the rest of the ride, and we arrived here around 10:00. Ahhh...Hayley had no desire to sleep, of course, so we stayed up and played for about an hour, and then all went to bed. She cried in the pack n play so therefore spent the night in bed with me. I managed to get about an hour I think. But once she was up for good around 6, Dave got up with her and let me sleep for an hour and a half. Yeah! I need a shower and a nap and I am raring to go. Marco here we come - plan to be there around 1ish, and to the beach!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hidden Pictures

As I was emptying out my memory card for our trip tomorrow, I came across many adorable pics of the munchkin. Here they are for your viewing pleasure. Off to Marco Island, Florida for the next 8 days. Sunny weather here we come!
In this picture she is standing on her hands and feet, you can't really tell, but I still wanted to capture the moment!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter - 1 Day Early!

Tomorrow the fam is coming over and I am cooking a yummy easter dinner - wish me luck! In the spirit of the holiday, here are Hayley's Easter pics. Enjoy!
(yes, that is a real bunny)