Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bad Day, Great Night

Yesterday was certainly a day of highs and lows for us. I awoke in the morning feeling fine, but tired as usual. Well, I'm just going to say it...we found out I was pregnant about a week and a half ago. I started feeling cramping and was like, oh no. I knew I was miscarrying and I went into the bathroom and then I was sure. I went to the doctor later in the afternoon and she did an ultrasound and confirmed I was no longer pregnant, but the good news was that everything is very healthy and I will be ovulating again in 2 weeks and we can try again right away since it was such an early miscarriage.We were both sad, but happy to know we have Hayley and it has been so easy to get pregnant so far, we know it will happen again for us soon. It's funny, I guess because I know my body and I have been pregnant before, I was not surprised when this happened. It was almost like I expected it. I know that sounds strange, but it's true. Maybe just a mother's intuition.

Before I went to the doctor, I went into the garage to put Hayley in the buggy and we were going to take a brief stroll in the humidity outside. As I went to drop her into the seat, I hit my head so hard on the metal cabinet hanging on the wall, I immediately burst into tears of pain. I looked at Hayley and she was looking at me with a sad face and she saw my tears and began to cry herself. I could tell she was crying for me, and it was just so sweet. I picked her up and hugged and hugged and hugged her. She is so wonderful. It honestly made me less sad about the days earlier events, just holding my precious child in my arms.

Dave had come home early from work to take care of Hayley so I could go to the doctor's and so we got to spend some much needed family time together. After dinner we were playing in the living room and Hayley was standing up against her snail and she looked at me and just took off and walked. It was only a step or maybe two to me, but she did it! Dave and I both saw it and were cheering and clapping for her and she was laughing and smiling. So we then sat a distance apart from each other and she kept going back and forth between us taking 2 or 3 steps in between each time! It was so exciting. I am so glad we were both there to witness her first steps. Of course, we were both cheering and squealing with delight and said, why aren't we taping this? But we didn't want to ruin her momentum, so we let this be a moment for us all to remember in our hearts.

In the end, the bad day turned into a great night, and we all went to bed with smiles. This will always be a day we remember.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

He Finally Joined Us!

Though he was a week late, Antina finally gave birth to Zachary Robert Dietz at 1:31 this morning. He weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 11 oz and is 21 inches long. This kid is huge I tell ya!

On Friday, I went to Antina's house since we hadn't seen it since she moved in and stayed for dinner. As we were leaving she said, it feels like tonight. Yesterday she called me at 7 in the morning to tell me her water broke at 6:30 ish and she was headed to the hospital. Needless to say, it was a very long day for everyone, and my house was kinda the home base, which was nice to be only 5 minutes away. I went to be at about 9:30 last night and no baby. I got a call this morning at 7 to hear the news! No c-section, she had him naturally, but gave in and got the epidural, which she said was a life-saver. I can imagine with a 10 pound baby! Yeah! He's here. He is big and beautiful and doesn't even look like a newborn. Hayley and I went over to the hospital first thing this morning and snuck the first peak at the fella. He smiled for me!
We did finally get a picture of the 3 of us, and man was Hayley jealous when I held him. She was climbing all over me and hugging and kissing me and would not let me put her down.
Eventually she warmed up to him a bit more and was very curious. She started touching his hands and feet and then she leaned over and gave him a kiss. It was so cute and I'm so glad Bill caught it on camera!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hayley's Real First Birthday, The Muster, and Some Random Pics

Well, it has been a busy week. After Hayley's birthday party on the 11th, the week seemed to pass by slowly, though I was very busy. How does that happen? Monday we had a play date with Cheun and her boys. We went to Wadsworth Lake and had a nice time. Here is a picture of Hayley and Samuel in their strollers:

Tuesday, we went and had Hayley's first birthday pictures taken and well, I've already posted those. Wednesday we played in the pool all day and Thursday was pretty much a repeat of the day before. Oh, one cute tidbit of Wednesday was that it was Michael Leone's birthday. At about 8 in the morning, I walked over to give him his present, and he saw me from the window upstairs. Sarah told me when I got there that he came running down the stairs saying, "Carolyn's coming across the street and she has a present for me!" How cute is that! I just love that kid! Friday was Hayley's real birthday and here are some pics. We sang Happy Birthday and lit a candle and tried to get her to blow it out with little to no success. She was fascinated by it and didn't grab the flame, must to our surprise. It was a nice evening and she seemed to be very happy eating her cupcake.

Here is the video:

Saturday was the Muster, which we were very excited about. Dave and Hayley's first time, last year we were in the hospital, the year before we were in North Carolina, and the year before that, we didn't make the parade for some reason, only the picnic. So the parade started at 11 and we got there about 11:15. It went until, are you ready for this, 1:10!!! The longest parade ever! Uncle Ray says the Deep River Muster is the largest Muster in the country and there were about 80 fife and drum bands there this year. It was awesome. Hayley loved it. It was so fun! Then we all hauled our way to Ray and Linda's and the pool was packed with kids. Linda said it was gonna be small this year (she always says that). There were about 50 people, I guess. Grandpa came, and Uncle Peter was there, which was a huge surprise, so it was really nice to get to visit. Hayley was a total trooper. She didn't get an afternoon nap and was up from about 10:15 a.m. until we put her to bed at around 6:45. She didn't get cranky or fussy at all. What a good baby! I didn't get too many pictures, so here is what I got:
Takin' a little rest on Daddy's shoulder
Uncle Peter and Uncle Ray
Dancing to the music
Lastly, here are some cute pics that have been lingering around on my camera that I haven't yet been able to post, so now is my chance!

Hayley and our neighbor Natalie playing in the pool
I just thought she looked so cute with nothing but shoes and a diaper
Hangin' in my new chair
The other night when Dave and I went out, Sarah sat for Hayley and she and Sam took a bath together. She took this picture and I love it! Look at how long her hair is! Hilarious!

Looks like another busy week is in store for us Mays, so maybe not another post until next week, but we'll see. I might surprise you, and myself!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

As If We Didn't Have Enough

As if we didn't have enough pictures of our munchkin, we went to Portrait Simple yesterday and had her 1 Year Old pictures taken. Here they are:

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Ton of Video

So when you get a free hour of time (yeah, I know, a lot to ask) here are the videos of the birthday party. They are really cute if you get a chance to watch.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Birthday

Although Hayley doesn't turn one officially until Friday, we had her party yesterday. It was so nice and small and perfect. The weather was very nice, though very windy which did not do kindly with the balloons, but other then that, it was great. Hayley loved opening the presents and the cake and we got a ton of really good video since my camera battery died. I will post those later since they take forever to upload to Youtube.

The cake
Auntie Joyce with Hayley and Lena.
Getting ready to sing!
Eatin' the cake

Kisses from Daddy
Hangin with Steve
Antina's HUGE belly. She's due next week.
Mom and Pops gave her a slide and she loved it so much. Here she is depating whether to share it with Colin and let him go down.

Playing with a left over balloon the morning after
and a ribbon
This has nothing to do with her birthday party, but I took this picture today and thought it was just so darn cute!
Videos to come shortly...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July and other stuff

Happy Fourth of July everyone! In the last week or so things have been pretty same old same old. Crappy weather, and the days go by so quickly. Today Hayley and I went to my aunt's for a picnic (Dave had to work) and she had a great time. Aunt Linda gave us this adorable 4th of July dress for her and she just looked so darn cute! I tried to get a picture of the 2 of us but she wasn't cooperating. Tomorrow we're gonna try to get some family pics on the front steps, so I'll keep you posted on those. Here are some new pics of the munchkin and a video as well.

Yes, that is a knife. Bad mommy.
At the picnic:
Betsy getting in some practice

Is it just me or do I look 16 in this picture?

Here's a video of her riding in her buggy around the yard.

Hayley's birthday party is next week, so I probably won't be posting until after that. Have a good week!