Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Birthday

Although Hayley doesn't turn one officially until Friday, we had her party yesterday. It was so nice and small and perfect. The weather was very nice, though very windy which did not do kindly with the balloons, but other then that, it was great. Hayley loved opening the presents and the cake and we got a ton of really good video since my camera battery died. I will post those later since they take forever to upload to Youtube.

The cake
Auntie Joyce with Hayley and Lena.
Getting ready to sing!
Eatin' the cake

Kisses from Daddy
Hangin with Steve
Antina's HUGE belly. She's due next week.
Mom and Pops gave her a slide and she loved it so much. Here she is depating whether to share it with Colin and let him go down.

Playing with a left over balloon the morning after
and a ribbon
This has nothing to do with her birthday party, but I took this picture today and thought it was just so darn cute!
Videos to come shortly...

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