Friday, February 26, 2010


Hayley's vocal skills have been bursting these days, and new words pop up all the time. It is hilarious and I find myself laughing often! This evening, we were at my mom's house, getting ready to leave when she decided to go into the cabinet searching for food. Well, check it out yourself...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Big Day

Tuesday February 15th was a big day! Two really big things happened for our family on Tuesday!

First, I had my 12 week appointment! We made it over the hump and are officially through the first trimester. No more fear of miscarriage, and I got to have an ultrasound and see the baby. It was amazing. Dave didn't come because he stayed home with Hayley, but in hindsight, I wish they both had been there to see it. The baby was moving all around and kicking it's legs and moving it's arms! I couldn't believe how much you can see only at 12 weeks. Even though we have done this before, it was like the first time all over again, and just as amazing. Here is a picture for your glimpse:

Of course, as soon as we saw it, Dave said are you sure that's it's leg, hint hint. And then I posted this picture and got so many similar comments. If anything, it is a sign to come that this one is a boy. Dave and I have had a feeling all along, and maybe we're right! We'll find out soon enough.

The second amazing thing that happened on Tuesday was that Hayley went pee pee on the potty!! I didn't see it, but she did it for Dave, and they were cheering and she was very proud of herself. Now, I got a trickle once before, and she nearly pooped once, in fact pooped on the floor next to the potty instead, but actually going on the potty was amazing. I can't believe my daughter is actually nearing potty training. It feels like yesterday that I was nursing her and holding her in my arms rocking her to sleep.

I was looking at her this evening as she was running around the house, stark naked, dancing and playing and singing to herself, and how lucky we are to have such an amazing, smart, beautiful child. I can't believe my baby is now a toddler, and growing more and more everyday. I feel so lucky to get to be home with her and watch every minute of her growing life. I just don't want to miss a second of it.

Life is good.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day at the Big House

Well, finally Connecticut was going to get the "big Noreaster" of the season today, and well, it ended up being kind of a flop. At the end I think it will be about 8 inches, when it was supposed to be about 18. Oh well, despite the less snow then expected, Dave went to work and Hayley and I trekked off to the Big House for a snow day. Pops stayed home from work, and we had a great day! We all took a nice nap and afterward, bundled up to play outside. We had so much fun! Hayley was squeaking with delight and we pulled her through the woods on the sled. Pushed her down the big hill 4 or 5 times, and built a snowman. We lasted over an hour until her cheeks got pretty red and we decided it was time to go in. She had a blast, and so did we! I also got some amazing pictures of us playing outside.
Even Josie had a blast in the snow! She was so good! For the first time ever we didn't have to tie her up, and she came back when she was called. Such a good girl!
Our snowman! 
My snow angel!
Opus romping in the snow!
Me and my mom

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Little Dancer

Here are a couple videos of Hayley dancing around the living room this afternoon. The last video is a bit long because she was climbing all over me, well, anyway, you'll see...Enjoy!

Last Week

Last week was a tough one. On Saturday, as we were converting Hayley's crib into her toddler bed, my mother called. This is not uncommon, for her phone calls come about 5 times a day, but this one was different. She told me that Grandma had died. I immediately got in the car and met her down at Aaron Manor, where Grandma lived, and my aunts and uncle showed up and we all said goodbye before they took her to the funeral home. It became a very long week ahead. Jacob flew in on Monday and all afternoon and evening, and all day Tuesday, me, mom, Jacob, and my aunts, prepared for Wednesday. There were so many old photos to sort through and pick out. I was amazed at how by the end, i was still confused at who everyone was, but Jacob could look at it and in a millisecond know - that's Grandma, that's Hazel, etc. He's always been good at stuff like that.

Though it was very nice to see Jacob, and it was the first time in years that it was just him without Asha or the kids, we had such a nice visit. But it was still sad for why he was there. Everyone came to her funeral. Emily took the train for 12 hours from Richmond because her car was under a foot of snow. My cousins all came from New Hampshire, who I hadn't seen in years. Again, nice to see everyone, but sad for why.

If losing Grandma last week has taught me anything, it is to not waste one more minute, and don't put off a visit until tomorrow. Mom took Hayley to see Grandma on Wednesday - they were her last visitors before she passed. I'm so glad she got to see her just one more time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Well, we did it!

On Saturday, Dave and I converted Hayley's crib to her "transitional" toddler bed. Since she's going to have to change rooms and move into a new bed once the new baby comes, we figured this was a good way to start. She was very excited, climbing on and off her bed over and over and over again. Lying down on her pillow and saying "night, night". Of course, this was all fun and good until it was actually time to go to bed! Well, we managed, and after about 30-45 minutes of crying and going back in and putting her back in bed, she finally fell asleep. She was up once in the middle of the night. I went in and just put her back in the bed and she went right back to sleep. Unfortunately, the morning came and she was up at 6:15 and had no desire whatsoever to go back to sleep. Needless to say, it was an early morning for us yesterday.

It took her a little over a half an hour to go to sleep for her nap. She kept getting up and getting into her dresser, her closet, her humidifier. So I took that out, took the knob off the closet door, and picked up everything off the floor to eliminate distraction. This seemed to help.

Last night went so much smoother. I only had to go in and lay her back down one time, and she hardly cried at all. She fell right to sleep shortly after, and no problems all night. She was up at 6:15 again this morning, but this time I went in and lied her back down on the bed and she went back to sleep until 7ish.

I thought it would take a week for her to really settle in, 2 days is better!