Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day at the Big House

Well, finally Connecticut was going to get the "big Noreaster" of the season today, and well, it ended up being kind of a flop. At the end I think it will be about 8 inches, when it was supposed to be about 18. Oh well, despite the less snow then expected, Dave went to work and Hayley and I trekked off to the Big House for a snow day. Pops stayed home from work, and we had a great day! We all took a nice nap and afterward, bundled up to play outside. We had so much fun! Hayley was squeaking with delight and we pulled her through the woods on the sled. Pushed her down the big hill 4 or 5 times, and built a snowman. We lasted over an hour until her cheeks got pretty red and we decided it was time to go in. She had a blast, and so did we! I also got some amazing pictures of us playing outside.
Even Josie had a blast in the snow! She was so good! For the first time ever we didn't have to tie her up, and she came back when she was called. Such a good girl!
Our snowman! 
My snow angel!
Opus romping in the snow!
Me and my mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look at these hooded beauties. Pretty cute.
What a fabulous day that was. Mr Snowman is tipping quite a bit but he still looks strong.
Glad you got such great photos. You always do. YEAH