Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hayley is 4 months old!

Hi All,
I know it's been forever, but finding the time to post is getting few and far between these days. Hayley was 4 months on the 17th and we had her 4 month check up on the 28th. She weighed in at 16 pounds 14 ounces and is 26 inches long. She is in the 97th percentile of babies her age, therefore, yes, people, she's huge. Well, she is very healthy. I always knew I'd have a chubby baby. Dave and I are loving every minute of every ounce of her, and parenthood is still amazing, though challenging. After her appointment, she has come down with quite a cold. She has a stuffy nose, bad cough, and a fluxuating fever from 99.5-101.5. I am really glad Dave is off this weekend to help me take care of her because she has been ultimately fussy and cranky and pretty much doesn't want to be put down. I'm sure it is the first of many of her colds to come. Otherwise, she is fantastic and has a great demeanor about her and so much fun to play with. She is so into everything and grabs and wants to eat it all. The doctor asked us to wait on giving her cereal just yet since she is so big already, so we're probably going to hold off again for another month or so.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and hopefully it won't be so long for my next post again. Here are some new pictures of the last couple weeks.

Hayley watching the fire.
The first time in the high chair. She liked it!
Hanging with mom while I do laundry
Daddy's first day alone with Hayley. She just took a really big poop.

Bathtime pics!

She's so cute when she sleeps!
Hayley and Josie having a moment.
Sitting in my bumbo chair!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Milestone Today

Hi All,
I know I need to post new pictures, but to be honest, I have been so busy I haven't had time to take any new ones. She's so cute everyday and I want to, so maybe tomorrow I'll have some new ones for you, but I was so excited I had to write about it...

Today Hayley rolled over! Yeah! She did it twice. From her tummy to her back, and then she laughed hysterically. I put her back on her tummy, and she rolled again! It was so exciting I was clapping and cheering and I think I even had a couple tears.

Wanted to share it with you all.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Sleeping Pose

Before we were married, Dave always used to tell me that he knew when I was really asleep when he kissed me goodbye in the morning. He said I would be lying on my back with my left arm up over my head. Those were the mornings I would never remember him saying goodbye to me. Like mother, like daughter, I guess.

The Pink Elephant

The pink elephant is definitely Hayley's favorite stuffed animal/blanket. It goes with us everywhere and she loves to lick it's nose. It hasn't been named yet, but I'm sure that will come.

Hayley's First Swing Ride

Hayley and I went to the park today with the Leone's. Apple picking is done at Lyman's, so Sarah and I got hot cider and took it to the park and let the boys play around for awhile. Hayley took her first ride in a swing. I think she liked it...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My first week back

Well, last week was my first week back to work. Some of it was painful, some of it wasn't. Monday was my first day and leaving Hayley was hard, but not too bad since she was home with Dave all day. My mom also came over and helped out for about 5 hours. So I was sure she was in good hands. I think I only called 3 times. Dave was very good about filling me in on every detail from what she was wearing to every time she ate and slept. Actually being in the office wasn't too bad either. It was nice to see Jessie and everyone else and I am glad to be back at TopCoder. I do really like my job there and with this economy, I am very lucky to still have it.

Tuesday on the other hand was terrible! I dropped her off at daycare and went in to the office. I called to check on her to find out that she cried (hysterically with tears) for about an hour. I was a mess! I honestly wanted to just up and leave work right then and there and never go back. But I didn't, and she ended up having a decent afternoon. Dave got out early and picked her up and it was nice to have them both home when I got home. Then we all went and voted together. On a side note, Dave in his 40 years of being on this world had never voted before Tuesday. He was very excited and we got to the school and there was no one there. We were the only 2 there to vote, no line, easy in and out. Poor Dave was so excited for this moment and it ended up being totally anti-climactic and certainly didn't live up to his expectations of tons of people, long lines, etc. I felt bad for him, though I was relieved to have no line. Hayley also got to vote her first time. I'm sure she'll remember.

On Wednesday, I was so nervous to drop her off again, but she had a great night sleeping the night before and slept until right before we had to leave, so I anticipated a better day. It was. No crying. She played and ate and slept great and I felt so much better about leaving her. I still hate it and want so badly to be home with her, but it's only for 3 days, so I just have to suck it up. Oh, and I am thrilled to see Obama elected, but even more thrilled to no longer have those stupid ads on TV! No more Chris Shays, Jim Himes, Joe Courtney...ahhhh...

Thursday I worked from home which was a struggle with her, but not too bad, and Friday I was off, so we both made it through the week with only the one hiccup on Tuesday. Fortunately, I am home for 4 days with her again, and we're back to our old lives, me and Hayley, our little team, so unfortunately, this Monday will be just as hard. Someday I'll get used to it - in like a year!

Here are some pictures of Hayley this week:
She was playing so hard that she fell asleep! Enjoying her swing! She used to sleep in there - not so much anymore.
Hangin' with Grandma
Sleepin' with Grandma Hayley voted
Hangin' out with Daddy in their jammies
Bath time photos
Enjoying her favorite toy - the stuffed dog.

Hope everyone has a nice week.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Pictures

Here are a couple other new pictures of Hayley this week.

Her snowsuit. It was cold and we were going for a walk so I bundled her up. It was HUGE on her, but she still looked so cute and smiled away!


Happy Halloween! Hayley was a chili pepper and a pumpkin. My breastfeeding group had a halloween party and that's when she was the pumpkin. We took all our babies and paraded around the labor and delivery ward of the hospital. It was really cute. I even saw the nurse that was there for my labor, but she didn't remember me (of course - she delivers a million babies). So here are those pics.

Second, we went to a Halloween party at Cara's, where Hayley was a chili pepper. The costume was so silly and so hot, she only wore it for about 10 minutes. This is us trying to get all the babies together for a picture. It was so hysterical. 2 babies were crying, some were just quiet, like Hayley, she just stared at the other chili pepper. She was so cute!!!

Hope you all had a good Halloween as well.