Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy Halloween! Hayley was a chili pepper and a pumpkin. My breastfeeding group had a halloween party and that's when she was the pumpkin. We took all our babies and paraded around the labor and delivery ward of the hospital. It was really cute. I even saw the nurse that was there for my labor, but she didn't remember me (of course - she delivers a million babies). So here are those pics.

Second, we went to a Halloween party at Cara's, where Hayley was a chili pepper. The costume was so silly and so hot, she only wore it for about 10 minutes. This is us trying to get all the babies together for a picture. It was so hysterical. 2 babies were crying, some were just quiet, like Hayley, she just stared at the other chili pepper. She was so cute!!!

Hope you all had a good Halloween as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking at these photos of you, you would never know that you had such a bad night. You look great. Hang in there mom. It will be alright. Look at her. She doesn't even remember that she cried. Try to remember that crying doesn't mean you are a bad mother or that you are doing anything wrong. Babies cry. Try to remember that they cry. All of them. Even beautiful, well fed, well loved babies cry. Be easy on yourself. Look at her and then look at her again. She is amazing. So aren't you.