Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Well, we did it!

On Saturday, Dave and I converted Hayley's crib to her "transitional" toddler bed. Since she's going to have to change rooms and move into a new bed once the new baby comes, we figured this was a good way to start. She was very excited, climbing on and off her bed over and over and over again. Lying down on her pillow and saying "night, night". Of course, this was all fun and good until it was actually time to go to bed! Well, we managed, and after about 30-45 minutes of crying and going back in and putting her back in bed, she finally fell asleep. She was up once in the middle of the night. I went in and just put her back in the bed and she went right back to sleep. Unfortunately, the morning came and she was up at 6:15 and had no desire whatsoever to go back to sleep. Needless to say, it was an early morning for us yesterday.

It took her a little over a half an hour to go to sleep for her nap. She kept getting up and getting into her dresser, her closet, her humidifier. So I took that out, took the knob off the closet door, and picked up everything off the floor to eliminate distraction. This seemed to help.

Last night went so much smoother. I only had to go in and lay her back down one time, and she hardly cried at all. She fell right to sleep shortly after, and no problems all night. She was up at 6:15 again this morning, but this time I went in and lied her back down on the bed and she went back to sleep until 7ish.

I thought it would take a week for her to really settle in, 2 days is better!

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