Thursday, January 28, 2010

18 Months!

Hayley is officially 18 months old! She had her actual check up on Tuesday of this week and she is 26 pounds (75th percentile) and 34 inches tall (97th percentile). She is way over expectations with words - they said she should say 10 and she says tons more then that. She had 3 shots, and did awesome. She barely cried after the third one. She was friendly to Dr. Sabo, and said "bye" to everyone we passed on the way out.

She is certainly struggling with listening these days. Which becomes trying for Dave and I, and it's hard when she cries a lot for not getting what she wants. But it is just a phase and this too shall pass. She is incredibly cute and funny and makes us laugh everyday, and that really makes up for all the frustration. She loves to help clean up, she throws her own clothes in the laundry at night, and she picks out what she wants to wear in the morning (with some assistance). She recently got a "crib" for her baby dolls, and she thinks it's hers. To end this entry, I will share with you my 18 month old trying to squeeze herself into her play crib. What a trip!

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