Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marco 09 - We're back!

We are back from Marco and what an amazing trip it was! Only 52 weeks to go until we return! We had such a great time and it went by way too fast as well. We have a million pictures, and I haven't had time to sort through them all, so here is just one for you for now. We also took lots of video - which will be posted eventually, I hope.

The weather was perfect and Hayley really seemed to love the warmth. After a long travel across the state on Friday (complaint letter to Hertz on it's way), we finally got the groceries in, the bags unpacked, and settled in for the evening. We packed all 16 people into our condo for dinner (actually 15, Mike arrived on Saturday night, also, Nicole was the only May missing - away at college.) We went to put Hayley down and this was a true test of how sensitive she would be to the noise. She slept through 8 noisy adults, two 6 year olds, two 4 year olds, and one 3 year old. Yep, I think she could sleep through a hurricane, now. Unfortunately, she was up at 2 every night the entire week which we have discovered is due to hunger because my milk supply is down to drops, which is an entirely different post that I will save for another day. Anyway, Saturday was our first day at the beach and the weather was perfect, as usual on Marco Island, and we settled in for another perfect week. Which it really was.

More stories to come, but the highlights for me would be Hayley eating sand, of course, her first taste of a lemon (hilarious), watching her kick around in the pool, and my first (and sure to not be last) Tripoly win, beating Dave by ONE chip!!!. As reigning champion for the next year, I plan to bask in my glory as long as possible!

More stories to come, but overall, it was great to see all of Dave's family and hope it won't be a whole year before we see each other again. It was sad to realize I hadn't seen the Mike May family since our wedding, a year and a half ago. Hopefully it won't be that long again.

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