Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sarah, Me, and Jillian Michaels - What a Team!

I nay have mentioned previously that I have begun working out to get ready for Marco, which is now only 2 short months away. Well, in hopes of getting rid of this baby tummy, I have been exercising everyday during Hayley's afternoon nap. We recently cancelled our Directv and got Comcast, which has On Demand, (I probably sound so dumb right now with so many people knowing about this amazing feature of digital cable) and they have something called Exercise TV. It is AMAZING! There are about 100 different FREE exercise routines on there from 10 minutes to 45 minutes. They have Abs, Cardio, Pilates, you name it! Every month they also feature special stuff, and this month is Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser. Holy cow, she kicks butt!!! I absolutely love her workouts. They are hard and I really feel like I'm getting a workout in the 20 minutes of her tape. I was so into this, I actually convinced Sarah and Angelo to dump their satellite and get Comcast - just for the On Demand! (ok, maybe it wasn't all me, but I was the last nail in that coffin) So now Sarah and I have been doing it together when we can, and if not, doing the tapes separately and then she'll call me or I'll call her and be like, I just did Jillian Michaels, and if the other one hasn't done it, then we have to do it. Talk about motivation! It is so nice having someone else to push me along and motivate me to exercise. I love it. I don't feel my body changing too much though, and I don't fit into any of my old bathing suits. So Dave and I went to Target and he picked out 2 new suits for me for Marco. I put them on and I know where I need to work at...I think I may be adding in an extra 10 minute workout in the morning...

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