Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stay At Home Mom

Well, yes I know it has been a good two weeks since my last post, but guess what - it is very busy being a stay at home mother. I spend most of my day on the floor with toys surrounding my legs and a little child gabbing and babbling to me about the latest baby news. When she is napping, I manage to eat, clean up the kitchen, vacuum, whatever I can to fit in during this brief time of peace.

So here I am finally making a post, and no pictures to boot. I will soon remember to bring the camera down to the basement with me and upload some pics, too.

The schedule filled up pretty quickly once people discovered I was home now. I went to Christina's to visit her and Lena, who is so cute! And last week we took a day trip to Bedford, NH to visit Cara and Miles. This should have been a blog post in it's own, but of course, I forgot. We left about 8:30 in the morning, Sarah was with us, too, and got to NH at Sarah's sister, who lives in the same town, about 11:30. We all met for lunch and then parted ways. Lunch was a trip. Sarah, Cara, Carrie, and Carolyn all had lunch together in this lovely little cafe, and Hayley and Miles played so well in high chairs. Then I picked up H and there it was, an explosion. Oh lord, what a mess. So out to the car we went to change her entire outfit and it was just chaos. He poor naked bum hanging out of the car and it was freezing outside!!! So Cara says, just shut the trunk, so I pull down the hatch and finish changing her, and the latch got stuck. Cara's sitting in her car next to me all cozy waiting for me to finish as I'm banging on the window trying to get her attention. She finally looks over to see me crawling over the seats trying to get back into the car. I am hysterical and Hayley has this huge smile on her face- I guess she loved it as well. It was pretty funny. I wish I got a picture of that!!!

Anyway, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Cara's and Hayley was great. I put her in her jammies and went and picked up Sarah and home we went. She slept the entire ride home and woke up as I pulled into Sarah's driveway. I nursed her when we got to her room and off to sleep she went. It was a great trip, and we will definitely do it again sometime soon, as long as Cara will have us.

More play dates are ahead, as we are reconnecting with many baby friends. Yeah!

A great thing that has happened since i have been home is I have been able to get Hayley on a great sleeping schedule (finally) and she is sleeping through the night!!! Yeah!! It took a lot longer then I wanted to for this to happen, but it's good now. She has good naps during the day and sleeps from 7-7 about. This has only been the last 3 nights, so I hope I am not speaking too son here!!

Ok, off to scarf some lunch and do my workout. Dave and I realized this morning that our Marco trip is exactly 2 months from today. I hope I am beach body ready by then! Hopefully more pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you. I love your beautiful writing. Hi Dave