Monday, September 21, 2009

Tag Sale Junk?

Hayley is officially walking now - everywhere! She falls about 50 times a day and then gets herself right back up and keeps walking. Today we walked all the way to the end of the street and back. She walks in laps around the house. It is just so darn cute listening to her clop clop clop around the house. I love it!

Over the weekend we had a great visit with Debbie and Brett, who came down on Saturday night. Here are some pics of the visit.

I also thought I'd post some misc. pics that have been hanging around the last month.
Mom got her a new rocking chair. She absolutely loves it!
This was taken one day when I was visiting at mom's and tried to get her to nap there. She was crying hysterically, so I took her out and laid down with her in my mom's bed. She eventually fell asleep and I was able to sneak out. I couldn't resist a picture though.
One of the last days at the pool with watermelon. It's packed up for the season now...until next year!
Hayley got to eat the end of my ice cream cone at the Haddam Neck Fair a couple weeks ago. She loved it. She gobbled it right up!
I really thing she's mooning me!
Walking, walking...
Stair climbing
My walkin' girl!
I picked up this bench at a tag sale on Saturday for $1! It was a bit messy so I painted it white and brought it in this afternoon. She loves it! She can climb on it by herself and swings her little feet and then climbs back down.

OK, so yeah, Dad and Ann have gotten me hooked on tag sales now. We went in North Carolina (ok, so they now call them yard sales - I guess when in Rome) and this Saturday morning I dragged Hayley all over town going to about 15 tag sales. I scored big time though, and spent only $31. This bench, a Halloween costume for $1, a Disney Princess book for $1, an adorable snowsuit for $4, just to name a few. I think I'm addicted. I thought tag sales were for junk?
Then she went and got a book and looked at it on her bench. How cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE yard sales!!! So NOT for junk!! Especially if you are talking kid stuff. I have purchased many, many things for my kids and my school- GOOD stuff, for barely any money. I mean really, how often does a kid where snow pants, boots, etc that they would wear them out?! We are having our first ever this weekend. Gonna be a BIG ONE. Want to come?

Yeah for walking!! So much better in my opinion. Their knees of pants last longer:) She is so cute!