Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Fun

Very quickly fall came upon us, colored foliage, blustery days, and apple picking. One of my favorite things I did last fall was go apple picking at Lyman's with Sarah almost every Friday. This year has been much busier and we can't seem to get our schedules to mesh every week, but we have been a couple times together as well as apart. We actually went yesterday, Dave, Hayley and I. Because it was Sunday and beautiful out, we ended up bringing our lunch and eating out of the trunk of the car, which turned out to be quite fun. Hayley loved walking through all the apple trees and was laughing hysterically when Dave climbed up a tree to get the good apples out of reach. She got such a kick out of it I didn't want him to get down! I did bring my camera, of course, but the battery died within about 5 minutes, so that was pretty much useless.
This was the only picture I got.

 Today was a busy day as well. First we had our last day at library group, and the kids all wore their costumes. It was so darn cute! Hayley even tolerated hers, which was a huge relief.

Right from there we went straight to her 15 month appointment where she weighed in at 25 pounds 2 ounces and 32 inches tall. She is in the 97th percentile for height and 80th for weight, which is just perfect. The doctor said not to worry about the teeth, her gums look puffy on the bottom, but not on the top, which means they could come soon. I asked him to elaborate on soon and he said well, maybe a week or two, or maybe a  month or two. You never know! Great, thanks for that broad timeframe. Hayley also can say about 10 words: woof, meow, moo, quack, up, out, daddy, baby, hi, bye-bye, baa, ball, milk, belly, eyes, uh-oh, down, how many is that? 17, ok, so that's more than 10, and I probably missed a couple. She also can identify lots and lots of things when you ask her where it is, like on her body or in the room. He said that's great and she's advanced, which of course I already knew my child was a genius, but it's nice to hear anyway. She had three shots and was very brave. She only cried for a minute or two and was easily comforted. I know you're wondering, so no, we opted to not give her the H1N1 vaccine. Our pediatrician did not have the regular flu vaccine for her age group, so we decided that since she was already getting 3 today, we would wait and give her both flu vaccine's when the other one comes in.

This afternoon we went to Pumpkintown, which is this little place in East Hampton where they have made a small village out of pumpkin people. It is quite adorable and Hayley absolutely loved it there. It was practically empty and free admission, which was very nice, and therefore we let her just run around and wander. She loved the freedom, I think.

These other pictures are from the last couple weeks. Cara was in town for a couple days and we had a great visit. Hayley and Miles cooperated so well when we tried to get them to pose for pictures, and they really got along. Man, I miss her. (I miss you Cara if you're reading this!!!)

I ripped the cushions off the couch and she was tossing all over them and just had a blast!

She should NOT be doing this. Daddy must be in charge!

Riding her new rocking horse with a baby.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

love her costume! too cute!