Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gittin' Wood

Yesterday I needed to get out of the house. I felt cooped up with all this cold weather and just couldn't take it anymore. So I piled Hayley and Josie into the car and headed over to Mom's house. After a nice walk in the woods, and a bit of conversation, Pops and I decided to go out and get wood. As per the title of this blog, "Gittin Wood" entails the following: Pops cuts trees in the woods for the winter, then we go out in the woods and collect it in the Dodge (a bit rusty yellow pick up that is the biggest, rustiest, beater you have ever seen!!). In order to collect the wood, we must drive over small trees, huge rocks, in and out of ruts, searching for all his spots of cut wood. Yesterday, I rode in the back of the truck (which is actually better if you don't want to inhale the exhaust that comes in from the holes in the floor of the truck), standing up shouting, over there! I see some, let's stop and get it! Pops has a hernia, so he can't lift, so I did all the lifting and tossing, he did the driving (rammin' and jammin', as Antina and I so lovingly named it years ago). This is a rough ride, I tell ya'. Pops shouts out the window, it's gonna get a bit bumpy! I hang on for dear life and off we go. Josie rode shot gun and just got tossed all over the truck. But you know she loved every second of it!

Once the truck load is full, we go down the driveway and toss it off the truck into a big pile to be split, stacked, and dried at a later date. Then once it's dried, we load it back into the truck, back down the driveway, and stack it in the basement next to the furnace. Needless to say, this is a very laborious, time consuming job. And now that all his kids are grown and moved out, Pops gets stuck doing it on his own. So I have committed to helping him out this fall.

Hayley is napping right now, but once she gets up, off we will go again, to the big house. Mom will take care of the munchkin, and Pops and I will go out for some more "gittin' wood". I'm so excited!


Anonymous said...

Just read it. Laughing my head off. Going downstairs to get POPS so he can laugh too.
Oh yeah, we all need a good laugh now and then.
Love your writing. It makes me feel like I am right there when you describe the way things are happening. It reminds me of a story you once wrote about Mellie. I need to find it in my children archives. Give me some time, but I will find it.

Anonymous said...

Pops is here now. He is laughing pretty hard.
I am writing for him.
" I never knew it could be this much fun. I am tired out but thanks to you we got a lot done."
Still laughing.