Thursday, June 4, 2009

The New Buggy

I got Hayley a new car, well, it's in fact called a buggy, and she absolutely LOVES it! She points to it from the window and crawls over to it and wants to be in riding all day. Since I got it every morning after nap we go out for a neighborhood stroll and she hangs on to the steering wheel and squeals with delight! It is so darn cute. Yesterday we chased Josie around the yard in the buggy, then followed Dave around the yard while he weed-whacked. It is just the cutest thing ever! Here are some pictures of her in her new buggy.

Hayley loves to do her yoga...If you ask her where her feet are, this is what she does!

Yes, she is climbing the stairs...She is looking at me like, oh no! I got caught!
And this is how she looked when I pulled her down!

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