Monday, October 27, 2008

Chelsea's Wedding

Well, Chelsea's wedding was last weekend, and I was very stressed about the weekend in general. So much to do to travel with a baby. The pack and play, a suitcase for her, and one for us. Plus my dress, Dave's suit, etc. I had to run out the day before and find a dress for the rehearsal dinner since nothing dressy in my closet fits me still. Boobs too big. We stayed at a hotel with a full kitchen and a separate bedroom, which was nice because Hayley went to sleep in the bedroom and could close the door and not have to tiptoe around everywhere. Of course, she wouldn't sleep in the pack and play so she slept on our bed. When we got back to the hotel, we had to figure out how to finagle her, Dave, and me in that small Queen sized bed. I think Hayley is the only one who actually slept well over the weekend. The hardest part for me was leaving her all day on Friday through the night. I think we were apart for about 13 hours - the longest ever. I thought about her just about every second of the day. But aside from all of that, Chels looked beautiful and the wedding was great. She had so many details that were very cool, she did a great job planning it. Being in the wedding, I took like 4 pictures total I think, so this is what I managed to swipe from other people's pics that were emailed to me.

Me, Chels, and Erin
Me and ErinChels' favor for the wedding was a photo booth. You could go in and take six pictures at a time. Dave and I did it but I don't have a scanner, so I just have this one from Laura. This is me, Laura, Sanna, Nicole, and Erin. Yes, it was very crowded in there. I think it is hysterical.Here is a pic of all the Portland High class of 97 that represented at the wedding. Erin, Laura, Dominick, Chels, me, and Nicole. Very cool.A close up of Chelsea's dress - gorgeous. I loved it.
Who's this hottie? My husband called me a MILF. I took it as a huge compliment! Well, now that that test is over, I guess I am ready to start work on Monday. One week from today. I am cherishing every moment I have with her this week that I possibly can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did a great job planning and pulling off the whole weekend. I know what went into providing care for baby Hayley and the dogs and dragging all that stuff with you to for the weekend. And you remembered to get food for the caretakers, so thoughtful, you know we love to eat. And most of all you looked beautiful in that bridesmaid dress.