Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hayley Update

Well, Hayley is just the awesomest (real word?) baby ever. She is just so so happy and she smiles ALL THE TIME. She has started to realize now that people react to her making noises, so she responds with a big smile. She squeals with delight and laughs and coos. She smiles when you smile at her and laughs when you laugh. Ever since she was born, she hated her carseat. I had my dad make me some CD's of children's music for her and I got them in the mail last week. I popped in Raffi and she squeals and yells and I swear she is singing along. Being musical is hereditary. She just loves music and it calms her. I now can ride in the car without worrying she is going to lose her pacifier - I just blast Raffi and she sings along. It is so awesome! I weighed her today at my breastfeeding group and she weighs 14 pounds 13 ounces!!! Holy Cow! She's so big! I love it. She is the sweetest cutest ever! Have I said that already?

Since she's been so darn cute lately, here are some pics of her cuteness. This is a new outfit I got for her and she looks so cute!
On Sunday, Dave wanted her to cheer on the Sox so we put her in this: (Of course, this happened to be the one game they lost in the series)
Oops - this one slipped in out of order - BIG yawn!

Look at that face! To die for!
We also went out to dinner with our friends Cara and Steve. I met Cara at breastfeeding group and her son is Miles. He is one week younger then Hayley, and they are both big babies. They are the same length and he is just a big less then her in weight. Well, when they showed up at our house before dinner on Sunday, Miles was wearing the exact same outfit as Hayley - I swear - we did not talk first. Pure coincidence! We tried to take a picture of them, but Miles was just not having it, but Hayley looking at Miles' screaming is priceless!
Well, the time is getting closer to when I am going to have to go back to work! :( I am not looking forward to leaving her at all, but I am looking forward to getting back in the saddle of my job again. I miss my coworkers the most I think. No, I miss the money the most, then my coworkers second. I truly cherish every day I have with Hayley because I don't want to miss a single thing with her growing! Well, she's awake, so this blogging session is over. More soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, we're second in line!! We're gonna tee-pee your desk at work :)

Hayley is so adorable (as usual)! I can't believe how much she's grown already... Keep up the great pictures and stories.

See you soon!