Monday, January 5, 2009

The Ferber Method - Day 1

If you have been keeping up with the blog, you will know that we have had lots of problems with Hayley sleeping. Well, I went out and bought the Ferber book and have read it cover to cover, and read outloud crucial parts of the book to Dave. He also seemed really into it. We decided we were going to do it, and though this method is quite controversial, it is much less torturous then people think. We jumped right into it and started.

Last night, she cried for 3 minutes, check, 5 minutes, check, 10 minutes, check, 10 minutes, she was just about asleep, so no check. She slept for an hour and a half. Cried for 3 minutes, check, 5 minutes, check, and asleep before the 1o minute check. She slept until 3:15ish and nursed. I put her back in the crib, fully expecting her to cry. After 2 minutes, I heard her talking and laughing and cooing in the crib. I didn't go in and after less then 10 minutes, she was back asleep. She slept until 7:25 this morning. Best night sleep she's had in a month. Not me though, I couldn't help checking on her a million times to make sure she was still breathing.

We'll see how day 2 goes, and how napping goes today - she's home with mom.

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