Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Ferber Method - Day 3

Well, last night was probablythe toughest night so far. Surprising, since it was night 3, but here is what happened. I put her down as usual, and she fell asleep, and awoke about 30 minutes later and began to cry. I went in after 5 minutes, like i was supposed to, and the next step was 8 minutes. So I set the timer. Withing the 8 minutes, she started to calm down, so when the timer went off, I didn't go in, but about 2-3 minutes later, she got hysterical again, so I went in and checked on her. I then set the timer for 10 minutes. The same thing happened, she dort of calmed down, but not asleep, so I didn't go in. Then she got hysterical again, so I went in a couple minutes later. Finally after 39 total minutes from when she started crying, she did eventually stop and fall asleep. I think last night was the hardest for me, too. I wanted to go in and hug her so tight and tell her I love her and I didn't. I felt horrible.

Thankfully, Dave and I have been working on a huge difficult puzzle to keep us distracted when she cries, so I don't have to just sit there and listen to her.

Anyway, she awoke at 1:30 to nurse and was up until about 2:00. After she was done nursing, I stuck her back in her crib, and not a peep, and she slept unti l7:30, when I actually had to wake her up.

Talked to Ann on the phone yesterday and she told me to let go of the guilt, as have Shelley and others, so I'm letting it go....slowly.

Ferberizing seems to still be working...

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