Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last Night

Last night Dave was closing so it was just me and my bundle of joy! We had dinner - sweet potatoes and rice cereal - and then played in the living room for awhile. She got pretty fussy, but it was still pretty early so we went upstairs and practiced rolling on our bed for a bit. Finally at about 7:20, she couldn't take it anymore and off to bed we went. I nursed her and she went into her crib peacefully and easily. Here's the big deal - she slept until 3:30 this morning! A whole 8 hours. It was awesome. I hope that this is a sign of what is coming. Also, 2 nights ago, Hayley cried for almost a half an hour before she fell asleep, so it was really nice to know that the sleep training is still working.

Yeah! I hope for more nights like these in the future...

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